full transcript

From the Ted Talk by George Smoot: The design of the universe

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So we're able to do the saliuotimn, but this is two days on a desktop. We need, you know, 30 days on 1,000 processors to do the kind of simulation that I showed you before. So we have an idea of how to play seriously, creating the universe by starting with essentially less than an eyedrop full of material, and we create everything we can see in any direction, right, from almost nothing — that is, something emetxlrey tiny, extremely small — and it is almost perfect, except it has these tiny fluctuations at a part in 100,000 level, which turn out to poudrce the interesting prntetas and designs we see, that is, galaxies and sarts and so forth.

Open Cloze

So we're able to do the __________, but this is two days on a desktop. We need, you know, 30 days on 1,000 processors to do the kind of simulation that I showed you before. So we have an idea of how to play seriously, creating the universe by starting with essentially less than an eyedrop full of material, and we create everything we can see in any direction, right, from almost nothing — that is, something _________ tiny, extremely small — and it is almost perfect, except it has these tiny fluctuations at a part in 100,000 level, which turn out to _______ the interesting ________ and designs we see, that is, galaxies and _____ and so forth.


  1. stars
  2. patterns
  3. extremely
  4. produce
  5. simulation

Original Text

So we're able to do the simulation, but this is two days on a desktop. We need, you know, 30 days on 1,000 processors to do the kind of simulation that I showed you before. So we have an idea of how to play seriously, creating the universe by starting with essentially less than an eyedrop full of material, and we create everything we can see in any direction, right, from almost nothing — that is, something extremely tiny, extremely small — and it is almost perfect, except it has these tiny fluctuations at a part in 100,000 level, which turn out to produce the interesting patterns and designs we see, that is, galaxies and stars and so forth.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
dark matter 5
hubble space 3
million galaxies 3
ordinary matter 3
light objects 2
takes light 2
million years 2
billion years 2
tiny variations 2
started forming 2
galaxies showing 2
light years 2
simple fluid 2
large cluster 2

Important Words

  1. create
  2. creating
  3. days
  4. designs
  5. desktop
  6. direction
  7. essentially
  8. extremely
  9. eyedrop
  10. fluctuations
  11. full
  12. galaxies
  13. idea
  14. interesting
  15. kind
  16. level
  17. material
  18. part
  19. patterns
  20. perfect
  21. play
  22. processors
  23. produce
  24. showed
  25. simulation
  26. small
  27. stars
  28. starting
  29. tiny
  30. turn
  31. universe